Enabling Technology: Solutions for Managed Care Organizations

Enabling Technology Success Story: Tennessee Managed Care Organization

Task prompting helps job coaches and care coordinators evolve from serving to supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Customer Success Story: MCO in Tennessee

An Enabling Technology Lead of a prominent managed care organization in Tennessee firmly believes that leveraging technology can empower individuals with intellectual disabilities to enhance their independence, shifting the focus towards technological aids rather than solely relying on human assistance.

In this pivotal role, several challenges are encountered. Firstly, managed care organizations serve individuals with a wide range of needs and capabilities, making it challenging to find tailored solutions. These needs span from physical, developmental, acquired or progressive neurological conditions, medical requirements, to aging and end-of-life care.

Additionally, navigating through a diverse range of vendors with significantly varying product costs poses a financial challenge. Given waiver limits, cost containment is crucial, especially when multiple solutions may be required.

Furthermore, vendors often struggle to grasp the specific needs of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, as well as the fact that technology can be complex for the average person. It is essential that instructions are clear, accessible, and user-friendly, with immediate support readily available for those in need.

CreateAbility is a provider of Enabling Technology solutions to MCO members. The managed care organization has adopted CreateAbility’s MeMinder as a task-prompting solution for its members due to its innovative ability to customize tasks in various formats based on individual needs. This dynamic feature allows solutions to evolve and cater to each person’s unique requirements, facilitating a transition from human support to technology-enabled independence.

“Our primary goal for those we serve is to promote increased independence,” the MCO tech lead emphasized. “MeMinder is an invaluable tool in empowering individuals to achieve their goals and fulfill their potential.”

The MeMinder platform enables the individual’s support network, including parents, care coordinators, and leadership, to create tasks, set schedules, and monitor progress in real-time via the user dashboard.

Given the significant role providers play in ensuring quality care outcomes, fostering strong relationships among all involved parties is paramount. Providers are ultimately seen as a reflection of the MCO’s commitment to individualized care.

The Director praised the exceptional approach taken during intake meetings, emphasizing the focus on understanding each individual’s unique needs and aspirations. This personalized approach, coupled with out-of-the-box solutions, has garnered high praise from the managed care organization, highlighting CreateAbility/MeMinder’s:

  • Ease-of-use: Tailored solutions for users with diverse abilities.
  • Consistency: Reliable support accessible to both staff and users.
  • Accessibility: Affordable task-prompting with flexibility for additional needs, ensuring MeMinder’s
    usability with or without WiFi for a broader client base.

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