We know you are always searching for tools that can help people with intellectual disabilities. The challenge is to find tools that can help them be more independent at home or at work, without becoming a burden to you to set up and maintain as their needs change.
The following tools and supports were developed through years of evidence-based research, funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR).
MeMinder is a talking pictures to-do list that helps people with memory and sequencing challenges. Each step in the sequence of reminders can be static images with audio instruction, or full video.
The MeMinder app runs on Android phones and tablets to coordinate caregiving and provide task management. The MeMinder app works with CreateAbility’s Cloud to help people with the right permissions to set schedules and tasks, monitor what tasks were completed and the ability to modify the tasks and schedules, and coordinate with the other stakeholders in the person-centerer plan. Changes made in the cloud are automatically updated on the MeMinder app.
Intro to MeMinder –
Affectus is a system that helps consumers with an Intellectual Disability, who also have behavioral or mental health issues. The system automatically detects yelling, the slamming of doors, the pounding on walls, as well as a self report button being pressed. This triggers prompting the individual to rate their emotion level, and then guides the consumer through the Skills System coping mechanisms. The result is that the individual returns to a calmer state, more quickly.
Intro to Affectus video:
Independence Builder for people with intellectual developmental disabilities:
Independence Builder helps individuals with intellectual disabilities or people with developmental delays, such as: Autism, Fragile X, or Down syndrome to live as independently as possible. The system provides natural supports by validating certain tasks and activities have taken place by a specific time. The system provides respectful prompts and reminders if these tasks or activities were not performed. Examples in the video include medication, safe kitchen activity, and other typical activities of daily living.
Product video with testimonial:
The Back-To-Independence product is for people who have experienced an acquired brain injury, such as a stroke, or people who have survived a traumatic brain injury. This product emphasizes a schedule, reminders and detects specific activities such as medication adherence, movement and detecting events related to safety and well-being.