CreateAbility’s technical solutions integrate with a senior’s Plan of Care, help the caregiver generate documentation, and gives caregivers and loved ones, with proper permissions, warnings and alerts via their cell phone. A web-based dashboard summarizes the status (Green, Yellow, or Red) of each individual, by their specific areas of support or concern. CreateAbility’s solutions have...
It is true that in this generation there are so many inventions and advancements when it comes to technology. There are cool gadgets everywhere; iPod, iPhone, mp3 players, GPS tracking device, and even books are now electronic or otherwise known as “e-book”. Imagine how advanced we are today. However, advancement does not stop the process...
Many senior citizens in today’s modern age still carry the thought that they will never enjoy their lives once they become old and dependent. Being stuck in an apartment all alone because of poor physical health does not help improve this thought at all – instead, it only aggravates it further. An alarmingly high number...
We currently are piloting a new service offering. BEAM is a new approach to Basic Everyday Activity Monitoring (BEAM) for your loved ones. You want your loved one to live as independently as possible – as long as they are safe. BEAM helps you ensure safety through the convenience of your smartphone. They have independence;...