Blog – 2

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In a recent study provided for The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, the influence of MeMinder was examined in the vocational rehabilitation space. The study contrasted old methodologies of task instruction (measurement of time spent creating custom binders, pictures lists, verbal instruction, travel) with the implementation of assistive technology/electronic job coaches....
On February 10th, President Trump released “A Budget for America’s Future”, which entailed proposed spending for 2021. This report details how tax payer dollars will be most effectively spent to improve both critical and current needs of our country. In this report, the areas of concentration and increased and/or continued spending for the Department of...
PATINS Project (Promoting Achievement through Technology and INstruction for all Students) is a state-wide technical assistance network that connects Indiana’s local education agencies (LEAs) to Accessible Materials, Assistive Technology, Professional Development & Technical Support through the Indiana Departments of Education and Administration. PATINS helps to ensure that ALL students can access, participate, and progress within their...
Meet Carl, a 21-year-old with executive functioning issues. This doesn’t mean he isn’t smart. It means his brain’s self-management system has trouble getting organized and getting things done. Executive functions are an important set of mental skills. To see how trouble with these skills affects people like Carl in educational, recreational, vocational and residential settings,...
Ageism is prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s age. As a society, we tend to make the assumption that with age comes reduced capability and/or contribution based on a simple number.  Yet technically – aging begins in our 20’s, when cells begin dying off at a faster rate than new ones are...
INDIANAPOLIS, October 15th, 2019 – CreateAbility, Inc., a technology company located in Indianapolis, recently launched its new communication platform, avatalk, that helps people in the circle of care of a resident with an intellectual disability, to quickly and anonymously ask any question of the resident. “The issue”, according to Steve Sutter, President of CreateAbility, “is...
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