Enabling Technology

Several of CreateAbility’s enabling technology solutions are “evidence-based”, but what exactly does that mean and why is it important? Below are a few reasons why choosing evidence-based technology is important to you, your organization, and the people you serve: Learn more about our evidence-based research that goes into CreateAbility’s enabling technology for seniors, people with...
If every person served has their own unique “fingerprint” of abilities, talents and challenges, how do you develop a person-centered care plan that’s tailored to the unique needs of each? Enabling technology not only helps those you serve increase their independence, but also provides data that identifies a person’s preferences, strengths, and needs, and tracks...
Every summer, my grandkids like to collect live insects and put them in a jar. Sometimes, they put incompatible species together in a jar and become disappointed at the outcome.   I do that as an adult. Not with insects; but with feelings and memories. I want to collect and possess peace, love, and joy, and...
Task analysis can be daunting for any care provider or job coach. It can be particularly challenging and time-consuming if you are still working with instructional manuals and binders which once created, need to be continually updated. MeMinder, CreateAbility’s robust task prompting app, offers three different resources for task storage and retrieval that keeps care...
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Indianapolis, IN 46205

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