Many of the people you serve need task-prompting assistance at home....and at work! Why make them utilize two, uniquely different enabling technologies?
What do you do when you can't get your clients (or kids) to remember their daily to-do's? How can you help those with higher needs feel accomplished and responsible?
Task analysis can be daunting for any care provider or job coach. It can be particularly challenging and time-consuming if you are still working with instructional manuals and binders which once created, need to be continually updated. MeMinder, CreateAbility’s robust task prompting app, offers three different resources for task storage and retrieval that keeps care...
When you have a disability, finding work isn’t always easy. From stigma and stereotypes to difficulty negotiating reasonable workplace accommodation, people with disabilities face many common workforce barriers. Thankfully, technology has made professional pursuits much more achievable. At CreateAbility, we know that technology can go a long way toward helping people with disabilities navigate career...
We get this question often. The current answer is 45! (And growing every day!) Take a look at current offerings of the most recent version of Employment Pathfinder: Introductory Jobs Jobs in this area are a great way to learn basic skills that can prepare you for other jobs, while doing something important. Typically, you...
If you’ve ever wanted to try MeMinder task prompting technology or Employment Pathfinder pre-employment assessments – NOW is the time! Beginning January 15th, 2022 and running through March 31st, 2022, CreateAbility Concepts, Inc. is running a buy one, get one free promotion in celebration of their 20th anniversary. Interested? Please email us at or...
This month, CreateAbility celebrates its 20th anniversary. And what would a 20th anniversary be without a nostalgic (and obligatory) moment to reminisce about how our company came to be – and take a look at where we are headed! _________________________ Interview with Steve Sutter, President of CreateAbility Concepts, Inc., 1/06/2021 Q: Why did decide to...
What is a “vision board”? A vision board is an assemblance of images that together, help individuals visualize the outcome of the goals they set. They support the notion to “keep your eye on the prize” as we move about in this world and the answer to “why” we set out every day to tackle...
For Jordan and Mindy, two individuals served by Madison Haywood Developmental Services (MHDS) of Jackson, TN, the idea of “independence” includes having a job and making their own money. While neither of the job seekers had much work experience, Rance Thetford, Supported Employment Manager at MHDS, knew that finding an opportunity that would be both...
CreateAbility offers a suite of Apps that cover a variety of needs for people with intellectual disabilities and behavioral / mental health issues. This suite covers: emotional surveillance and emotional regulation, goal tracking and accomplishment, task prompting and reminders, employment discovery and exploration, and communication with staff or other individuals. Here is how they work...